Housing market on track for a soft landing in 2015, analyst predict


This article is called Housing market on track for a soft landing in 2015 analyst predict. It was written by Tamsin McMahon and appeared on the Globe and Mail website. For Canada, the analyst predict that the housing market is advancing from the lower oil prices at gas stations because it will help with hiring and improve consumer confidence. The prices of houses went down 0.2 per cent for a second continuous month in December. The prices of houses usually go down during the winter season. The housing market in 2014 was successful when prices rose 4.9 per cent nationwide and this year prices are set to go down by 2.9 per cent slowly according to Royal LePage Ltd. The prices of oil lowering will benefit both the customer and businesses in Canada. 

McMahon, T. (2015). Housing market on track for a soft landing in 2015, analyst predict. Retrieved from The Globe and Mail: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/home-price-gains-to-slow-this-year-but-analysts-still-see-soft-landing/article22446988/




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