Looking to buy or sell a home in 2015? Here’s what you should know

This article is called Looking to buy or sell a home in 2015? Here’s what you should know. It was posted and appeared on the Today website. It was published on Wednesday, January 6, 2015.  
This article discusses about what you should know before you buy or sell a home.
 What to do before you sell:
·         Become a real seller
·         Hire the right agent
·         Price it right
·         Depersonalize
·         First impressions count
·         Always be ready to show
·         Don’t upgrade
·         Kitchens sell
·         Showcase the amount of space you have
·         Light it up so
 What to do before you buy:
·         Check the school district
·         Visit the home at different times of the day
·         See the storage
·         Ignore the paint
·         Get home inspection
·         Check for red flags
Looking to buy or sell a home in 2015? Here's what you should know. (2015). Retrieved from Today: http://www.today.com/home/real-estate-advice-what-know-about-buying-or-selling-home-1D80406951


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