Cherry Hill House of Horrors

Friday the 13th is next week and while this isn't exactly a house I will be jumping at my clients to buy, I definitely think its a spot in Mississauga anyone should check out for a scare.

The Cherry Hill house located near the major intersection of Cawthra and Dundas street has been haunted for well over 40 years. The tale goes that the house was relocated in the 1970's and to this day the original home owners have been more than upset from beyond the grave.

Residents have been seeing paranormal activity through the sightings of a small girl appearing in the windows of the house, constant flickering of lights, and even shadows or apparitions appearing in the reflections of mirrors.

While this all seems crazy, the home is actually serving as residence to a basement bar. Bartenders have noted that glasses or plates they would leave in one spot, would suddenly end up in another.

So how bout it guys?  Mickey Beloate is the restaurant owner at Cherry hill and if not for the experience of a haunted house, check it out just for the food. Next Friday I'll be taking a look at the most haunted houses in all of Canada.

For more info check out the link below.
Is the Cherry Hill House Haunted?


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