Lakeview Remodeling

While the worry of Mississauga residents is evident of their city becoming over flooded with buildings, the image of Lake Ontario will remain.

A proposed 22 floor tower that was to be constructed along the shores of lake Ontario will no longer take place. It was evident residents did not want, nor need, a tower of that stature along lake side. What was once the sight of the Ontario Power Generating Station is now an open field of ideas coming forth.

Pino Di Mascio, who is a partner of Urban Strategies consulting firm, has a vision to make Lakeview a central place for Mississauga residents. Many proposals were given with some modifications made. Overall, here are some of the potential changes upcoming;
  • Residential & Commercial Development
  • Post Secondary Institution
  • Employment Areas
  • New Parks 
While this is all new and intriguing, actual implementation for these plans have not begun as yet and will begin to take shape over a 15 year period.  All these changes create an urge for residents to be an active member in the community. See a project undergoing or construction you don't feel is necessary, Speak up! Make change in your community to create the Mississauga you want.

For more info on the potential changes check out the link below;
Waterfront Towers Dropped



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