In an effort to help pay for infrastructure costs development charges will increase up to 54%.

Those looking to purchase a newly constructed house will have to dig even deeper in their pocket. A 54% increase in development charges will result in a rising fee upwards of $10,000. While the 54% seems steep, another proposal for a 75% increase in charges for multiple separate housing units.

At the end of the day here are your final charges;
  • New house buyers will be paying $26,110
  • Apartments will increase to $17,326 
Mississauga has the highest average home price in Canada with $522,804. It is important to note that while costs maybe high and an extra $10,000 out of your pocket may appear costly, Mississauga is still becoming the prime location for new home buyers in the Greater Toronto Area. Now that you know the costs don't forget to assess your needs before engaging in the purchase of a newly constructed home.

Check out the link for more details
Hike in Development Charges Likely in Mississauga


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