Jamie Sarner's Guide To Buying A Home In Toronto

When buying a home in Toronto it is important to prepare yourself for the process by taking it one step at a time. Jamie Sarner's "Guide to Buying a Home in Toronto" will surely benefit anyone looking to a buy a home by taking you through 20 steps which play an important role in a smooth sailing home purchase.

  1. Planning Your Move: Finance
    It is important to make sure you are financially ready to buy a home. Research the basics for good mortgage rates and the costs associated with owning a home.
  2. Planning Your Move: Emotions
    Is now the right time to make a major lifestyle change?  How do others prepare for the big change in their life?  How much of an emotional investment will your move require?
  3. Planning Your Move: Physical House Change
    When you are choosing your new home, you will have to zoom in on the specifics:  where you want to live, and what is important to you when it comes to your new home.
  4. Market Research: House or Condo?
    How to understand the pros and cons of purchasing a house versus a condo?  What does each have to offer?  Learn about the differences in ownership and other considerations.
  5. Market Research: Your Options
    Get a feel for the opportunities in Toronto real estate market.  What are the specifics of houses, condos, and other properties in Toronto?
  6. Market Research: Setting Boundaries
    What you can compromise on, and what you simply can’t – how do you decide what you want from your new home?  Where do you stop?  Learn how to make sure that you indeed get all you need in your new home, but that you avoid wasting money and time on things that you don’t.
  7. Meeting Your Realtor®: What to Ask
    Need help choosing your Realtor in Toronto?  Find out which you should ask your prospective real estate agent and what is important for you to know about him or her.
  8. Develop a Game Plan: Home-Buying Strategy
    Selecting and buying a home is an exciting task, but with insufficient planning or strategy, it may easily overwhelm you?  Develop a solid strategy and zoom in onto your dream home easily with Jamie.
  9. Rights & Responsibilities: Your Agent and You
    How to deal with your Realtor?  Learn about disclosure requirements, the fiduciary relationship, and when and why agents must act in their clients’ best interests.
  10. Looking at Homes: Your Daily Listings
    Picking your favourite locality in Toronto?  Learn about real estate districts and understand district codes.  Don’t forget to bring a map of Toronto with you.
  11. Looking at Homes: Open Houses & Showings
    What do you have to keep in mind when you attend an open house or a showing?  How to effectively take notes and where to look for specialties?  What to focus on and how to judge what you see?
  12. Looking at Homes: A Closer Look
    Do you have a top-ten or top-five list of houses you like?  How do you compare and pick the right one from among them?  Go back and re-examine them in turn with Jamie.
  13. Bidding on Homes: How to Make an Offer
    What is a home purchase offer and how does one look like?  Learn about the intricacies of offer placement, negotiation of price and other terms, and more.
  14. Bidding on Homes: Firm or Conditional Offers?
    What is the difference between a firm and a conditional offer?  When is it smart to extend one or the other?  Learn how to assess the situation and extend a reasonable offer that is in your favour.
  15. Bidding on Homes: The Acceptance Process
    Have you received a counter-offer from your seller?  Learn how to recognize whether it is fair and craft a knowledgeable response.
  16. Re-evaluating Your Needs and Staying Motivated
    Learn how to cope with initial failures to find or purchase a house or a condo. Motivation and positive thinking is key.
  17. Closing: Dealing with the Deal
    Learn how to cope with the technicalities of a home purchase agreement, be ready for the legal actions you need to take, and find out where you can find professional help at every stage of closing.
  18. Closing: Task Checklist
    Learn how to prepare for the closing day.  Which documents will be required from you?  What questions will be asked and what should you be ready to answer, demonstrate, or pay?  Be ready and speed up the process.
  19. Moving: Preparation
    If everything is settled with your purchase and the contract, you should start planning for a move.  Learn how to prepare for the moving day: check out Jamie’s tips on how to make good arrangements with everybody involved in the process, and see how best to organize the haul.
  20. Moving: Day 'M'
    Learn what is expected of you on the actual moving day and also about the procedures waiting for you after you arrive to your new Toronto home.  Bon voyage!



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