Part 3 of 3: Preliminary Results Show Liberals Ahead

In what was the final poll heading into today's election, The liberals have the lead as narrow as it may be. The survey conducted by Ipsos Reid asked the residents of Ontario the same question they will be asking themselves today. Who will I vote for?

If the actual voting ballots reflect this survey then the Liberals will win the election tonight.

The full survey shows the following among decided voters;
  • Liberals 33%
  • PC 31%
  • NDP 30%
Numbers don't lie and if any story from these numbers holds true, it is that this is going to be a photo finish. In the end the party that can get all of their supporters out to vote today will be the winner. Voter turnout is not more important than ever. With the most likely to vote candidates gearing towards the liberals at 36%, It is crucial for the PC and NDP parties to get their supporters out to the polling stations.

For more info check out the link below.
Ontario Election Tight Race

This is sure to be a great race with plenty of backlash to follow. Keep an eye out for the results tonight as polls close at 9pm so get out their and vote.


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