10 Cheap Ways to Winterize Your house - Save Money & Remain Cozy This Winter

The verdict is out and forecasters are predicting a "classic" Canadian winter with plenty of snow! Keep your family warm this winter season and your money in the bank. Here are a few tips and tricks to winterize your home before the bitter cold arrives. Change Furnace Filters Easy to forget but important to do. Replace or clean your furnace filters once a month during the heating season. Built-up dirty restricts airflow and forces your furnace to work harder than it needs to and shortens its lifespan. Remember, replacing your entire furnace will cost a lot more money. Run Ceiling Fans in Reverse Many ceiling units actually come with a switch that reverses that direction of the fan. Switching the blade to rotate clockwise produces warm air. In essence, by switching the direction of the fan, the cooler air is drawn upwards, which forces the warmer air near the ceiling back down. Doing so could reduce your heating costs as much as 10%! Winterize Y...