Creepy Things That Could Murder The Value Of Your Home

As people from all over decorate their houses in ghouls and goblins, increasing the freak appeal of their homes, let’s take a look at the creepy things that can spell doom for your property value. Starting from the most ghastly to merely morbid, here are 10 things that murder the value of your home. Gruesome Acts Unsavory events such as murder and suicide leave a certain stigma on the house. Although there may be nothing physically wrong with the house, it is hard to sell a home where someone was beheaded. Not only may these events lower your property value, but it also may command your property to sit on the market significantly longer. A house can even be stigmatized if a killer resided there. In the case of the Sandy Hook School shooter Adam Lanza, the stigma was so strong that his house was simply demolished. Death In The House Not every death has to be bloody to deter someone from buying a house. Natural deaths are sometimes enough to creep ...